*** Are You New to the Village of Palo Alto? ***
Please go to Directory / Mail List Sign-up Form
Please go to Directory / Mail List Sign-up Form
- New resident(s) - let us know about you so we can send our email newsletters to you with reminders of upcoming events, add you to the birthday / anniversary list and add you to upcoming Palo Alto Directories
- Existing resident(s) - also use this form if you are not getting the email newsletter, if you aren't in our Directory yet or to report something that needs to be changed for the new directory.
- RESOURCES on our site that will hopefully help our Newbies (Welcome to the Village of Palo Alto):
To Our Health
Golf Cart Rules of the Road
Biking Rules of the Road
Scams - Computer (Computer Health)
Scams - Money Related Scams (Financial Health)
General Health Offerings
Mosquito Bite Protection
Exercise Program (Created during Corona - for fun
& exercise)
Villages News
FYI Keepers (a lot of general good info)
Recycling Do's and Don't's
Sanitation Collection Details
Site Map
Rec Center Events
Per Bill Biebesheimer's conversation with the Villages Facilities Staff:
The six foot rule is gone. The Villages suggests that you wear a mask when entering or leaving or dealing with staff. Other than that, it is a personal option.
Per Bill Biebesheimer's conversation with the Villages Facilities Staff:
The six foot rule is gone. The Villages suggests that you wear a mask when entering or leaving or dealing with staff. Other than that, it is a personal option.
- At the appetizer party we will be within two feet of the person next to us and about five feet away from the person across the table.
- At the round tables for the monthly meeting / Holiday Dinner Party , each person will be about three feet apart, center to center.
Sun., Nov. 8 / 4:00 - 5:30 pm
Neighborhood Gathering - Antonia Place
Palo Alto residents Mike Hopper and Terri Fox have agreed to do a driveway concert for Palo Alto residents and their friends. It will be on Sunday, Nov. 8th, from 4:00 until 5:30 at the cul-de-sac at the end of Antonia Place. There will be no charge to our club but viewers will be asked to contribute to a tip bucket to compensate them for their efforts. Listeners should bring your own chairs, beverages and snacks. Please arrive by golf cart as parking will be limited.
Neighborhood Gathering - Antonia Place
Palo Alto residents Mike Hopper and Terri Fox have agreed to do a driveway concert for Palo Alto residents and their friends. It will be on Sunday, Nov. 8th, from 4:00 until 5:30 at the cul-de-sac at the end of Antonia Place. There will be no charge to our club but viewers will be asked to contribute to a tip bucket to compensate them for their efforts. Listeners should bring your own chairs, beverages and snacks. Please arrive by golf cart as parking will be limited.
Mon., Oct. 26, 2020 / 4:30 pm (Doors open 4 pm: sign-ups)
Palo Alto Monthly Meeting (Every 4th Monday)
Signup Deadline: Fri. Oct. 23 / 5p
Location: La Hacienda Rec Center in the Carmen Miranda Room with round tables (our regular monthly meeting room)
Welcome back to the first Palo Alto Club Monthly Meeting after a very long 2020. The Villages have temporary rules we must abide by but we are meeting. This will be a simple social hour and pizza dinner evening. Entertainment: Nada - we cannot offer entertainment yet by The Villages rules. Food: We will be serving pizza, salad and dessert. The cost is only $5 per person *. BYOB. Also see 'Rec Center Events' above right. Contact: Bonnie Schallmo 708 528-9990 to reserve your spot.
Palo Alto Monthly Meeting (Every 4th Monday)
Signup Deadline: Fri. Oct. 23 / 5p
Location: La Hacienda Rec Center in the Carmen Miranda Room with round tables (our regular monthly meeting room)
Welcome back to the first Palo Alto Club Monthly Meeting after a very long 2020. The Villages have temporary rules we must abide by but we are meeting. This will be a simple social hour and pizza dinner evening. Entertainment: Nada - we cannot offer entertainment yet by The Villages rules. Food: We will be serving pizza, salad and dessert. The cost is only $5 per person *. BYOB. Also see 'Rec Center Events' above right. Contact: Bonnie Schallmo 708 528-9990 to reserve your spot.
Mon., Oct. 19 / 4:00 pm to 6:20 pm (3rd Mon. each month)
Appetizer Party
We've been given the OK to have our Appetizer Party on Oct. 19. Join us for our Appetizer Party at Tierra Del Sol Rec Center in the Tootie Jackson Room (The Tootie!). Bring your own drinks and an appetizer to share. Home made or store bought appetizers are fine. No reservations needed – just show up!
Villages rules for our Appetizer Party:
Appetizer Party
We've been given the OK to have our Appetizer Party on Oct. 19. Join us for our Appetizer Party at Tierra Del Sol Rec Center in the Tootie Jackson Room (The Tootie!). Bring your own drinks and an appetizer to share. Home made or store bought appetizers are fine. No reservations needed – just show up!
Villages rules for our Appetizer Party:
- The Villages will do the table layout: two tables wide and five tables long with two chairs at each table. Thus we will have seating for 20 people. More tables can be added if we get a better turnout.
- Bring an appetizer to share and a serving spoon for your dish, if needed. We will provide plates, forks and napkins. We will provide servers to serve the dishes.
- We've been asked not to move tables or chairs.
- Bring your own beverages (including water & ice) as the kitchen will be closed.
- Also see 'Rec Center Events' to the right
Mon., Oct. 12 / 4:30 pm
October Dining Out
Signup Deadline: Fri., Oct. 9 / Noon
Location: Tierra Del Sol screen room area
Limit of Signups: 16
Per Tierra, the max people per table has increased from 8 to 10 per table. Monday Special (4-8pm): 8 oz Slow Roasted Prime Rib at $15.95. Plus All Day Monday & Tues - half off bottles of wine; Happy hour everyday from 3-5 pm. The $5 reservation fee is temporarily waived. Plan on wearing a mask for entering and exiting the restaurant. Just contact Bonnie Schallmo at 708 528-9990 or Jan Lindsey 502-741-9643 to reserve your spot.
October Dining Out
Signup Deadline: Fri., Oct. 9 / Noon
Location: Tierra Del Sol screen room area
Limit of Signups: 16
Per Tierra, the max people per table has increased from 8 to 10 per table. Monday Special (4-8pm): 8 oz Slow Roasted Prime Rib at $15.95. Plus All Day Monday & Tues - half off bottles of wine; Happy hour everyday from 3-5 pm. The $5 reservation fee is temporarily waived. Plan on wearing a mask for entering and exiting the restaurant. Just contact Bonnie Schallmo at 708 528-9990 or Jan Lindsey 502-741-9643 to reserve your spot.
The Villages Rules for any Rec Center event
- You wear a mask for entering and exiting the Rec Center and anytime social distancing (6' apart) cannot be achieved.
- Tables are going to be set up for us. They will accommodate only six people per table. We are not allowed to move chairs.
- Bring your own water/beverage - the kitchens are closed so you do not have access to water or ice there at this time.
- You must be free of Covid-19 symptoms - stay home if you are feeling ill (and until you have a Doctor medically clears you if you have had Covid-19).
- Palo Alto Club has to maintain a roster of attendees so we'll provide a list for you to sign or check off that you're here.
- Bring a pen to check-in with
- Provide your contact info if we don't already have it on file (our Directory / mail list)
Feedback Request - three question survey
Please Submit by: Oct. 10, 2020
Please Submit by: Oct. 10, 2020
- Our Christmas party is planned for December 18, 2020 in the Ricardo Montalban room at Hacienda. Do you plan to attend?
- Volunteers to take the Palo Alto Club forward in the new year. This is a great opportunity for you to direct our neighborhood social All positions are available including President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and 3 directors (although Susan Riding, current Secretary, and Bonnie Schallmo, current Director, are willing to continue to serve our Board in 2021 in some capacity). As needed/desired, the current Board Members will definitely be glad to mentor our new members. If you would be willing to fill one of these positions, please let us know by October 10th by 'Reply:' to this email or by calling Bill Biebesheimer at 352 750-6199 (before our next Board Meeting). Voting (if there is more than one candidate) will be in November, probably by the internet, if our group can’t resume meeting yet.
- Possible changes in format for the club meetings. The Board has voted to discontinue the home cooking of club meeting dinners. Would you prefer:
- Bring your own snacks (and/or sandwiches) to share with your table during social hour then live
entertainment or games; (about $5 pp)
- A Catered meal & social hour, then entertainment or games (about $10-$15 pp)
- Combination of 1 & 2 on different months (all include entertainment)
Palo Alto Couples Bridge (1st Wed. / 6:30 - 9:15pm - Oct. thru May + tournament)
We meet on the 1st Wednesday of every month from October thru May and have a tournament in May at a rec center. Join your neighbors and enjoy a friendly game of party bridge. You may sign up as an individual, or as a couple. Subs are also needed. Once a year each couple will host two tables at their homes. Donation is $1 per person. To join please contact Margie Hunt (259-4803 or [email protected]).
Location: Tierra Del Sol Rec Center (new 201008)
Alice Smith and Nancy Garrett are taking over the leadership role for Couples Bridge. Thanks to Margie Hunt for serving in this way for so long. Instead of meeting in homes as in the past, we have been able to reserve the Tierra del Sol card room for the first Wednesdays of January, February, March, & April at 6:30 - 9:15. Contact Nancy Garrett if you want to play. You must sign up as a couple (a man & a woman, 2 women, or 2 men), & we will limit the group to a multiple of four.
We would like to have a sign up table at the October Palo Alto meeting to give others an opportunity to play. If possible, could you please mention this possible sign-up in the next Palo Alto Newsletter.
We meet on the 1st Wednesday of every month from October thru May and have a tournament in May at a rec center. Join your neighbors and enjoy a friendly game of party bridge. You may sign up as an individual, or as a couple. Subs are also needed. Once a year each couple will host two tables at their homes. Donation is $1 per person. To join please contact Margie Hunt (259-4803 or [email protected]).
Location: Tierra Del Sol Rec Center (new 201008)
Alice Smith and Nancy Garrett are taking over the leadership role for Couples Bridge. Thanks to Margie Hunt for serving in this way for so long. Instead of meeting in homes as in the past, we have been able to reserve the Tierra del Sol card room for the first Wednesdays of January, February, March, & April at 6:30 - 9:15. Contact Nancy Garrett if you want to play. You must sign up as a couple (a man & a woman, 2 women, or 2 men), & we will limit the group to a multiple of four.
We would like to have a sign up table at the October Palo Alto meeting to give others an opportunity to play. If possible, could you please mention this possible sign-up in the next Palo Alto Newsletter.
By Aug. 15, 2020 - Couples Bridge Message from Margie Hunt:
If you are interested in playing bridge, please contact Margie Hunt (352-259-4803 or [email protected].) This bridge group plays the first Wednesday evening of each month, beginning October 2020 until May 2021. Individuals, couples, and substitutes are all needed. Please let me know ASAP. This is a fun time with your neighbors. |
Thurs., Sept. 24 (Cancelled - To be extra careful about CoronaVirus)
Palo Alto July Golf Scramble at El Diablo; Tee times starting at 12:08 pm
>>> Signup By: Wed., Sept. 16
Prize Money Fee: $2.00 CASH ONLY - collected upon each person’s arrival at El Diablo
This is the third Palo Alto Golf Scramble for 2020 and is at El Diablo Executive Golf Course. We will have regular tee times starting
at 12:08 pm. It will be a friendly competition in four-person teams playing Best Ball Golf.
How to Sign-up:
With no monthly meetings until August, Call Alice or Steve Smith at 352 259-3015 to sign up between now and by Sept. 16.
Come for a fun golf day & gathering together afterwards!
COVID requirements:
Of course, we would comply with The Villages COVID requirements.
Palo Alto July Golf Scramble at El Diablo; Tee times starting at 12:08 pm
>>> Signup By: Wed., Sept. 16
Prize Money Fee: $2.00 CASH ONLY - collected upon each person’s arrival at El Diablo
This is the third Palo Alto Golf Scramble for 2020 and is at El Diablo Executive Golf Course. We will have regular tee times starting
at 12:08 pm. It will be a friendly competition in four-person teams playing Best Ball Golf.
How to Sign-up:
With no monthly meetings until August, Call Alice or Steve Smith at 352 259-3015 to sign up between now and by Sept. 16.
Come for a fun golf day & gathering together afterwards!
COVID requirements:
Of course, we would comply with The Villages COVID requirements.
- 1 person per golf cart except for people living in the same home.
- Keep 6' social distancing.
- Masks are requested for after golf gathering
- With Corona Virus, PLEASE bring the correct change ($2.00 per person prize fee) on the day of the event. Thanks!
Mon., June 8 / 5 pm
Location: Oakwoods, 860 S. Hwy 27/441, Lady Lake, FL
Signup by: June 4 / 5 pm (You will need to call since there are no April or May Monthly Meetings)
This would be a GREAT place to celebrate getting out together again after a long 'Stay In' for CoronaVirus. Hope we never experience that again. Web site: https://oakwoodsmokehouse.com/site/ $5 per person* reserves your spot. We will order from the menu.
Contact - Jan Lindsey 502-741-9643
Location: Oakwoods, 860 S. Hwy 27/441, Lady Lake, FL
Signup by: June 4 / 5 pm (You will need to call since there are no April or May Monthly Meetings)
This would be a GREAT place to celebrate getting out together again after a long 'Stay In' for CoronaVirus. Hope we never experience that again. Web site: https://oakwoodsmokehouse.com/site/ $5 per person* reserves your spot. We will order from the menu.
Contact - Jan Lindsey 502-741-9643
Wed., June 17 / 1:15 pm
Palo Alto Book Club (3rd Wed. every month)
The Palo Alto Book Club meets the third Wednesday every month at 1:15 pm. At our meeting, we determine what group member will host the meeting the following month. You can become a regular member, and attend the meetings, OR now you can be a 'Phantom Member' described on the Palo Alto Book Club page. In either case, contact Cindy Everett at [email protected] or 517 256-5539 if you would like to take part.
April 15 The Woman in the Window by A. J. Finn
May 20 The Body in Question by Jill Clement
June 17 In an Instant by Suzanne Redfearn
See Palo Alto Book Club page for full details as well as future and past assigned books.
Palo Alto Book Club (3rd Wed. every month)
The Palo Alto Book Club meets the third Wednesday every month at 1:15 pm. At our meeting, we determine what group member will host the meeting the following month. You can become a regular member, and attend the meetings, OR now you can be a 'Phantom Member' described on the Palo Alto Book Club page. In either case, contact Cindy Everett at [email protected] or 517 256-5539 if you would like to take part.
April 15 The Woman in the Window by A. J. Finn
May 20 The Body in Question by Jill Clement
June 17 In an Instant by Suzanne Redfearn
See Palo Alto Book Club page for full details as well as future and past assigned books.
Mon., Jan. 27, 2020 / 4:30 pm (Doors open 4 pm: sign-ups)
Palo Alto Monthly Meeting (Every 4th Monday) Signup Deadline: Mon. Jan. 20 / noon (caterer requirement) NOTE: Earlier than usual sign deadline extended from 2 wks to 1 wk before the event Location: La Hacienda Recreation Center Yes, a very familiar name returns to entertain The Palo Alto Club. We enjoyed many years of Lisa entertaining at our Holiday Dinner Party! We loved listening and dancing to her music. We welcome her back. Lisa Beck Web site. Food: Cracker Barrel will cater our meal to include meat loaf, 3 sides (mashed potatoes, fried apples and green beans) and dessert. The cost is only $10 per person *. BYOB. Contact: Bonnie Schallmo 708 528-9990 to reserve your spot. |
Thurs., Feb. 13 / 6:15 pm (games start at 6:30 pm)
Palo Alto Ladies GAME NITE (2nd Thursday ev month)
February Poker Night: Palo Alto Ladies GAME NITE starts at 6:30....bring ID and nickels/dimes for a friendly Poker Game....Ladies only... Bring a couple of rolls of nickels and we'll bring change. call Lee or Deb with questions.
The Palo Alto Ladies now meet for Palo Alto Ladies Game Nite at TIerra del Sol Rec Center on the 2nd Thursday each month. We are now officially assigned our own space for GAMES, etc. at TIerra Del Sol Rec Center for the 2nd Thursday every month - meet at 6:15 pm; starts at 6:30 pm. It is time reserved for PALO ALTO LADIES and their Guests with proper I.D. You may even bring your Grandkids if they are 8 and older and like to play games. Bring any game you would like to teach/play or we will use the games available in the center. Just show up and we will work out what & how to play. It is a very relaxed set-up.
Questions: Lee Asta 352-223-7687 or Debbie Miller 352 750-6340
Palo Alto Ladies GAME NITE (2nd Thursday ev month)
February Poker Night: Palo Alto Ladies GAME NITE starts at 6:30....bring ID and nickels/dimes for a friendly Poker Game....Ladies only... Bring a couple of rolls of nickels and we'll bring change. call Lee or Deb with questions.
The Palo Alto Ladies now meet for Palo Alto Ladies Game Nite at TIerra del Sol Rec Center on the 2nd Thursday each month. We are now officially assigned our own space for GAMES, etc. at TIerra Del Sol Rec Center for the 2nd Thursday every month - meet at 6:15 pm; starts at 6:30 pm. It is time reserved for PALO ALTO LADIES and their Guests with proper I.D. You may even bring your Grandkids if they are 8 and older and like to play games. Bring any game you would like to teach/play or we will use the games available in the center. Just show up and we will work out what & how to play. It is a very relaxed set-up.
Questions: Lee Asta 352-223-7687 or Debbie Miller 352 750-6340
There will be no December Dining Out nor December Palo Alto Monthly Meeting in December
due to our Palo Alto Holiday Dinner Party on Dec. 5, 2019
due to our Palo Alto Holiday Dinner Party on Dec. 5, 2019
Thurs., Dec. 5 / 5:30 pm (dinner approximately 6 pm)
Palo Alto Holiday Dinner Party Deadline for signups: Nov. 26, 2019 (caterer requirement) Location: La Hacienda Rec Center in the Carmen Miranda Room with round tables (our regular monthly meeting room!) It's a nice evening for dressing up. Join us for a fun and delicious event! Great dinner, dance the night away, and same low price ($25 per person). Music provided by: Karen Hall Trio "We are experienced musicians and entertainers whose repertoire includes songs spanning from the Big Band Era through present day, incorporating 50's, 60's, Rock and Roll, Country, Motown and Classic Rock." Karen Hall Facebook Page. Karen Hall Web page (with links to videos) |
Our Buffet Dinner Menu (Catered by La Hacienda Catering) includes:
Family Style Tossed Salad
Tenderloin Tips with Crimini Mushrooms & Bourbon Demi Classic Chicken Piccata with Lemon & Capers
Loaded Mashed Potatoes Roasted Baby Carrots with Honey & Ginger
Green Beans Country Style with Bacon & Onions
Rolls Butter
Peach Crumble with Whip Topping
Coffee Iced Tea Water Service
Family Style Tossed Salad
Tenderloin Tips with Crimini Mushrooms & Bourbon Demi Classic Chicken Piccata with Lemon & Capers
Loaded Mashed Potatoes Roasted Baby Carrots with Honey & Ginger
Green Beans Country Style with Bacon & Onions
Rolls Butter
Peach Crumble with Whip Topping
Coffee Iced Tea Water Service
Cost / How to Sign Up:
The cost is still only $25 per person *.
You can sign up as individuals, couples, as a table (up to eight to a table), or as a portion of a table.
Please print the form (link below) and bring the filled out form and checks for each person/couple that you are making a reservation (checks written to 'Palo Alto Club') to the meeting or to Maureen Risum. Signups at our October and November Monthly Meeting (and maybe the September meeting) or contact Mary Ellen Bowgren at 630 750-2210.
Sign-up Form
This is a link to a downloading printable signup form so you can fill it out and bring it to the signup table or to Mary Ellen:
Downloadable Printable Signup Sheets (click the link; the file will download to your 'Downloads' folder on your PC; you can print it from there). Mail in instructions are on the form.
The cost is still only $25 per person *.
You can sign up as individuals, couples, as a table (up to eight to a table), or as a portion of a table.
Please print the form (link below) and bring the filled out form and checks for each person/couple that you are making a reservation (checks written to 'Palo Alto Club') to the meeting or to Maureen Risum. Signups at our October and November Monthly Meeting (and maybe the September meeting) or contact Mary Ellen Bowgren at 630 750-2210.
Sign-up Form
This is a link to a downloading printable signup form so you can fill it out and bring it to the signup table or to Mary Ellen:
Downloadable Printable Signup Sheets (click the link; the file will download to your 'Downloads' folder on your PC; you can print it from there). Mail in instructions are on the form.
- 2019 Print Sign-up Sheet (.rtf - like the Print Activity Calendar)
- 2019 Print Sign-up Sheet (.docx)
- OR Get if from Mary Ellen (630 750-2210) when you sign up.
Now Taking Reservations
For our Holiday Dinner Party!!
(see bottom of this page for Details / Menu / Sign-up form)
Mon., Nov. 25, 2019 / 4:30 pm (Doors open 4 pm: sign-ups)
Palo Alto Monthly Meeting (Every 4th Monday) Signup Deadline: Fri. Nov. 22 / 5:00 pm (Note: Signup by the deadline is important for our dining out or catering headcount or for ordering the right amount of food! Thanks. ) Location: La Hacienda Recreation Center Entertainment: Bob Fowler, Singer/DJ. Bob has been singing with bands since he moved to the Villages in 1998. He also has been a DJ for the last 5 or so years. He currently sings with “The Villages Dixieland Band" along with doing some DJ work and entertaining at dinners and at Assisted Living Facilities. Bob sings a variety/mix of song types including country, rock, and standards. Food: Judy Biebesheimer is cooking Ham and Scallop Potato Casserole! Yes! And we'll have dessert. $8.00 per person *. BYOB. Contact: Judy Biebesheimer at 352 750-6199 to reserve your spot. Note: Signups for Dec. 5th Holiday Dinner party end on Nov. 26 (caterer requirement) Join us! Great food, great music and great neighbors! (see details below) |
Thurs., Sept. 19 / Tee Times starting at 12:08pm
Golf Scramble - El Diablo
Sign-up deadline: Thurs., Sept. 12 / noon
Palo Alto's next golf outing will be a four person scramble at El Diablo Executive Golf Course on Sept. 19th. This is NOT a shotgun start so tee times can be confirmed via the online tee time system.
Food: Paulette Richard will make her famous sloppy joes & fixings which be served at 5:00. Our post Golf Scramble meal will be at Savannah Center in the Ashley Wilkes Room from 5:00 – 6:50 PM. Bring your own beverage.
Menu: Sloppy Joes, Potato Salad, Baked Beans, Cole Slaw, Cookies
Cost: $8.00 for golfers & $6.00 for non-golfing spouses or anyone else who would like to come. In case of rain, the Golf Scramble will be canceled & $2.00 per golfer will be refunded. Rain or shine the food will be served & $6.00 will not be refunded after July 12th.
Sign-ups: At the August Palo Alto Club meeting or contact Bill & Margie Hunt (352 259-4803).
Golf Scramble - El Diablo
Sign-up deadline: Thurs., Sept. 12 / noon
Palo Alto's next golf outing will be a four person scramble at El Diablo Executive Golf Course on Sept. 19th. This is NOT a shotgun start so tee times can be confirmed via the online tee time system.
Food: Paulette Richard will make her famous sloppy joes & fixings which be served at 5:00. Our post Golf Scramble meal will be at Savannah Center in the Ashley Wilkes Room from 5:00 – 6:50 PM. Bring your own beverage.
Menu: Sloppy Joes, Potato Salad, Baked Beans, Cole Slaw, Cookies
Cost: $8.00 for golfers & $6.00 for non-golfing spouses or anyone else who would like to come. In case of rain, the Golf Scramble will be canceled & $2.00 per golfer will be refunded. Rain or shine the food will be served & $6.00 will not be refunded after July 12th.
Sign-ups: At the August Palo Alto Club meeting or contact Bill & Margie Hunt (352 259-4803).
Fall Palo Alto Bocce League
Sept. 12 through Oct. 24** Signup deadline: Mon., Sept. 9 / 5 pm
Start time: Week 1, please be there at 3 pm. After week 1, the start time becomes 3:30 pm.
Location: Tierra Del Sol Bocce Courts
Join the Fall Palo Alto Bocce league. It is a six week league, every Thursday, starting Sept. 12 thru Oct. 24, 2019**. If you have to miss a week, please call a sub to play for you. You will be provided a sub list and their contact numbers. Enjoy friendly competition in Bocce!
Awards and Pizza party: On Playoffs day, October 24**.
** League Dates Update: Due to the Palo Alto Golf Scramble on Sept. 19,
we'll not play Bocce on that day. Therefore the league will extend to end on
October 24. Oct. 24th becomes the date for playoffs, Awards and Pizza party
Cost: $7.00 per person; $5.00 per person for party only.
Signups: Signup at the August Monthly Meeting or Contact John or Charlotte Zeb at 352 259-2050
Sept. 12 through Oct. 24** Signup deadline: Mon., Sept. 9 / 5 pm
Start time: Week 1, please be there at 3 pm. After week 1, the start time becomes 3:30 pm.
Location: Tierra Del Sol Bocce Courts
Join the Fall Palo Alto Bocce league. It is a six week league, every Thursday, starting Sept. 12 thru Oct. 24, 2019**. If you have to miss a week, please call a sub to play for you. You will be provided a sub list and their contact numbers. Enjoy friendly competition in Bocce!
Awards and Pizza party: On Playoffs day, October 24**.
** League Dates Update: Due to the Palo Alto Golf Scramble on Sept. 19,
we'll not play Bocce on that day. Therefore the league will extend to end on
October 24. Oct. 24th becomes the date for playoffs, Awards and Pizza party
Cost: $7.00 per person; $5.00 per person for party only.
Signups: Signup at the August Monthly Meeting or Contact John or Charlotte Zeb at 352 259-2050
Mon., Aug. 26 / 4:30 pm (Doors open 4 pm for sign-ups)
Palo Alto Monthly Meeting (Every 4th Monday)
Signup Deadline : Fri., Aug. 23 / 5 pm
(Note: Signup by the deadline is important for our dining out or catering headcount or for ordering the right amount of food! Thanks. )
Location: La Hacienda Recreation Center
Game Night with a Twist! You bring a game you want to play. We'll set them up at various tables. Sit at the table with the game of your choice. The Twist: We will hand out one raffle ticket per person and award four $25 prizes - one every 15 minutes from 6:15 until the last one at 7 pm. You can put your ticket back in and potentially win more than once BUT you must still be present to win. Join us for a fun evening of games. Some suggested games that you might bring: Mexican Train, Deck of Cards (313, Oh Hell!, other), Yahtzee, UNO, Taboo, ++. The person bringing the game sets the rules when they differ, e.g. Mexican Train. Set adjusted rules to find a winner based on time – games end at 7pm. There are no prizes associated with winning the games, they are all just for fun! Food: Sub sandwiches, chips and dessert. $8 per person. BYOB. Signup at the July Monthly Meeting or Contact Sandy Taylor at 352 751-1225.
4:00 pm - normal signups (Sept. Dining Out and Sept. Monthly Meeting) plus:
- Signups for the Sept. 19 Palo Alto Golf Scramble at El Diablo (details as we have them)
- Signups for the Fall Palo Alto Bocce League at this meeting (see below)
Palo Alto Monthly Meeting (Every 4th Monday)
Signup Deadline : Fri., Aug. 23 / 5 pm
(Note: Signup by the deadline is important for our dining out or catering headcount or for ordering the right amount of food! Thanks. )
Location: La Hacienda Recreation Center
Game Night with a Twist! You bring a game you want to play. We'll set them up at various tables. Sit at the table with the game of your choice. The Twist: We will hand out one raffle ticket per person and award four $25 prizes - one every 15 minutes from 6:15 until the last one at 7 pm. You can put your ticket back in and potentially win more than once BUT you must still be present to win. Join us for a fun evening of games. Some suggested games that you might bring: Mexican Train, Deck of Cards (313, Oh Hell!, other), Yahtzee, UNO, Taboo, ++. The person bringing the game sets the rules when they differ, e.g. Mexican Train. Set adjusted rules to find a winner based on time – games end at 7pm. There are no prizes associated with winning the games, they are all just for fun! Food: Sub sandwiches, chips and dessert. $8 per person. BYOB. Signup at the July Monthly Meeting or Contact Sandy Taylor at 352 751-1225.
4:00 pm - normal signups (Sept. Dining Out and Sept. Monthly Meeting) plus:
- Signups for the Sept. 19 Palo Alto Golf Scramble at El Diablo (details as we have them)
- Signups for the Fall Palo Alto Bocce League at this meeting (see below)
Thurs., July 18 / Tee Times
Golf Scramble - De La Vista (Shotgun start with tee times starting sometime after 4:29)
Signup by: Thurs., July 11 / noon
This is the second Palo Alto Golf Scramble for 2019 and is at De La Vista Executive Golf Course. It will be a shotgun start with tee times starting sometime after 4:29 (hopefully a bit cooler by then). Prizes awarded at the Pizza Party following the golf scramble on July 18. $2 pp (for prize money). Friendly competition in four-person teams playing Best Ball Golf. Sign-up at the June Monthly Meeting or contact Alice or Steve Smith at 352 259-3015. Come for a fun golf day together!
Golf Scramble - De La Vista (Shotgun start with tee times starting sometime after 4:29)
Signup by: Thurs., July 11 / noon
This is the second Palo Alto Golf Scramble for 2019 and is at De La Vista Executive Golf Course. It will be a shotgun start with tee times starting sometime after 4:29 (hopefully a bit cooler by then). Prizes awarded at the Pizza Party following the golf scramble on July 18. $2 pp (for prize money). Friendly competition in four-person teams playing Best Ball Golf. Sign-up at the June Monthly Meeting or contact Alice or Steve Smith at 352 259-3015. Come for a fun golf day together!
Thurs., May 23 / Tee Times
Golf Scramble - Pimlico (Tee times starting at 12:08). Signup by: May 16/noon
This first Palo Alto Golf Scramble for 2019 is at Pimlico Exec. Tee Times start at 12:08p. Assigned Tee Times will be in the online tee time system. $2 pp (for prize money). Friendly competition in four-person teams playing Best Ball Golf. Prizes awarded at the May Monthly Meeting. Contact Nancy or Gary Garrett at 430-2564.
Come for a fun golf day together!
Golf Scramble - Pimlico (Tee times starting at 12:08). Signup by: May 16/noon
This first Palo Alto Golf Scramble for 2019 is at Pimlico Exec. Tee Times start at 12:08p. Assigned Tee Times will be in the online tee time system. $2 pp (for prize money). Friendly competition in four-person teams playing Best Ball Golf. Prizes awarded at the May Monthly Meeting. Contact Nancy or Gary Garrett at 430-2564.
Come for a fun golf day together!
Carpool Road Trip (CRT)
Pontoon Boat Tour - Mt Dora (followed by lunch at Pisces Rising Restaurant in Mt Dora, FL) (Boat tour about 1:30 pm)) limit 22 participants
Mar. 30, 2019 / 11:30 am tour >>> TIME CHANGE FROM 11:00 AM
Meet at Tierra Del Sol at 9:30 am (depart at 9:45 am) / 11:30 am tour
Signup by: Mar. 15 / $28 pp to reserve your spot (22 limit) (it is the Boat Tours high season). We will commit the seats with
our payment on Mar. 16 - 2 weeks before the tour. We will keep a wait list when we are full.
"The most beautiful mile of water in the world."
Pontoon Boat Tour:
Join us for a pontoon boat tour on Lake Dora and The Harris Chain of Lakes. The 2-hour tour includes the famous Dora Canal, which has been described as "The most beautiful mile of water in the world." As we cruise, our certified captains and crew will share their stories and local knowledge of the area, its history, flora and fauna. Bald eagles, herons, anhingas, turtles and alligators are all common sightings during our tours.
A 2-hour Narrated Eco-tour of Lake Dora and the Dora Canal. As we cross Lake Dora, you will be given a brief history of Mount Dora and the Harris Chain of Lakes, all the time looking out for bald eagles & osprey. Once under the railway bridge in Tavares we enter the Dora Canal; the first portion of the canal was dug by hand and is the residential section, beyond is the natural jungle river which winds its way through a Cypress Swamp. This tight meandering passage through the 2,000 year old trees allows us to search for herons, egrets, anhingas, turtles and alligators and observe them in their natural habitat. The route is reversed once we turn around in Lake Eustis or Gator Inlet.
Lunch: Pisces Rising Restaurant at 239 W. Fourth Ave, Mt Dora, FL
About Pisces Rising Restaurant
"Established in 2003, Pisces Rising is a celebration of Florida cuisine. Lovingly wrapped around a Florida cracker bungalow style home build in the 1920’s, the restaurant overlooks Lake Dora and the setting sun. We bring a commitment to Regional Sustainability. Whether it is our Craft Cocktails from our Jazzy 239 West Lounge to our Chef’s colorful creations we shop local where possible, and take advantage of the bounty of the nearby Gulf and the Farms that dot Central Florida up through the Panhandle. By empowering local Farmers and Fishermen, we empower ourselves and future generations."
Fees: $28.00 per person (for the 2 hour boat trip); plus we will order lunch from the menu.
Signup Deadline: Signup at the Feb. 25 Monthly Meetings; Must signup by Fri., March 15th, as available. Limit 22 people. We will keep a wait list when we are full.
Contact Jayne Sligar (503 799-3091) $28 per person reserves your spot. Pay in cash or write check to Palo Alto Club.
Pontoon Boat Tour - Mt Dora (followed by lunch at Pisces Rising Restaurant in Mt Dora, FL) (Boat tour about 1:30 pm)) limit 22 participants
Mar. 30, 2019 / 11:30 am tour >>> TIME CHANGE FROM 11:00 AM
Meet at Tierra Del Sol at 9:30 am (depart at 9:45 am) / 11:30 am tour
Signup by: Mar. 15 / $28 pp to reserve your spot (22 limit) (it is the Boat Tours high season). We will commit the seats with
our payment on Mar. 16 - 2 weeks before the tour. We will keep a wait list when we are full.
"The most beautiful mile of water in the world."
Pontoon Boat Tour:
Join us for a pontoon boat tour on Lake Dora and The Harris Chain of Lakes. The 2-hour tour includes the famous Dora Canal, which has been described as "The most beautiful mile of water in the world." As we cruise, our certified captains and crew will share their stories and local knowledge of the area, its history, flora and fauna. Bald eagles, herons, anhingas, turtles and alligators are all common sightings during our tours.
A 2-hour Narrated Eco-tour of Lake Dora and the Dora Canal. As we cross Lake Dora, you will be given a brief history of Mount Dora and the Harris Chain of Lakes, all the time looking out for bald eagles & osprey. Once under the railway bridge in Tavares we enter the Dora Canal; the first portion of the canal was dug by hand and is the residential section, beyond is the natural jungle river which winds its way through a Cypress Swamp. This tight meandering passage through the 2,000 year old trees allows us to search for herons, egrets, anhingas, turtles and alligators and observe them in their natural habitat. The route is reversed once we turn around in Lake Eustis or Gator Inlet.
Lunch: Pisces Rising Restaurant at 239 W. Fourth Ave, Mt Dora, FL
About Pisces Rising Restaurant
"Established in 2003, Pisces Rising is a celebration of Florida cuisine. Lovingly wrapped around a Florida cracker bungalow style home build in the 1920’s, the restaurant overlooks Lake Dora and the setting sun. We bring a commitment to Regional Sustainability. Whether it is our Craft Cocktails from our Jazzy 239 West Lounge to our Chef’s colorful creations we shop local where possible, and take advantage of the bounty of the nearby Gulf and the Farms that dot Central Florida up through the Panhandle. By empowering local Farmers and Fishermen, we empower ourselves and future generations."
Fees: $28.00 per person (for the 2 hour boat trip); plus we will order lunch from the menu.
Signup Deadline: Signup at the Feb. 25 Monthly Meetings; Must signup by Fri., March 15th, as available. Limit 22 people. We will keep a wait list when we are full.
Contact Jayne Sligar (503 799-3091) $28 per person reserves your spot. Pay in cash or write check to Palo Alto Club.
Palo Alto Book Club (3rd Wed. every month)
No Book Club meeting in December due to a special event. For details, Contact Norma Hoehndorf at 753-6461 about the special event or if you would like to take part of the book club.
December Book: No Book Assigned
See Palo Alto Book Club page for full details as well as future and past assigned books.
Palo Alto Book Club (3rd Wed. every month)
No Book Club meeting in December due to a special event. For details, Contact Norma Hoehndorf at 753-6461 about the special event or if you would like to take part of the book club.
December Book: No Book Assigned
See Palo Alto Book Club page for full details as well as future and past assigned books.
Print Calendar (February 2017) Print Calendar (March 2017) See Print Instructions on About Us page |
Sunday., Dec. 16 / 5:30 pm (dinner approximately 6 pm)
Palo Alto Holiday Dinner Party
Deadline for signups: Dec. 9, 2018 / 5 pm (extended)
Location: La Hacienda Rec Center, Ricardo Montalban Room with round tables
It's a nice evening for dressing up. Join us for a fun and delicious event!
Music provided by: Joe Hand.
If you've seen Joe around the Villages, you might have been at Eaton Beach, Garvinos, Lakeridge Winery, Grand Oaks Resort, City Fire or other venues. You know his fine voice and variety of instruments played. Joe is a graduate of the Berklee College of Music.
Dinner Buffet: Catered by La Hacienda Catering.
See the evening's menu below.
Cost / How to Sign Up:
The cost is only $25 per person *. You can sign up as individuals, couples, as a table (up to eight to a table), or as a portion of a table. Please bring the filled out form and checks for each person/couple that you are making a reservation (checks written to 'Palo Alto Club') to the meeting or to Mary Ellen. Signups at our November Monthly Meeting or contact Mary Ellen Bowgren at 630 750-2210.
Sign-up Form
This is a link to a downloading printable signup form so you can fill it out and bring it to the signup table or to Mary Ellen:
Downloadable Printable Signup Sheets (click the link; the file will download to your 'Downloads' folder on your PC; you can print it from there):
Palo Alto Holiday Dinner Party
Deadline for signups: Dec. 9, 2018 / 5 pm (extended)
Location: La Hacienda Rec Center, Ricardo Montalban Room with round tables
It's a nice evening for dressing up. Join us for a fun and delicious event!
Music provided by: Joe Hand.
If you've seen Joe around the Villages, you might have been at Eaton Beach, Garvinos, Lakeridge Winery, Grand Oaks Resort, City Fire or other venues. You know his fine voice and variety of instruments played. Joe is a graduate of the Berklee College of Music.
Dinner Buffet: Catered by La Hacienda Catering.
See the evening's menu below.
Cost / How to Sign Up:
The cost is only $25 per person *. You can sign up as individuals, couples, as a table (up to eight to a table), or as a portion of a table. Please bring the filled out form and checks for each person/couple that you are making a reservation (checks written to 'Palo Alto Club') to the meeting or to Mary Ellen. Signups at our November Monthly Meeting or contact Mary Ellen Bowgren at 630 750-2210.
Sign-up Form
This is a link to a downloading printable signup form so you can fill it out and bring it to the signup table or to Mary Ellen:
Downloadable Printable Signup Sheets (click the link; the file will download to your 'Downloads' folder on your PC; you can print it from there):
- Print Sign-up Sheet (.rtf - like the Print Activity Calendar)
- Print Sign-up Sheet (.docx)
- OR Get if from Mary Ellen (630 750-2210) when you sign up.
Our Buffet Dinner Menu includes (catered by Hacienda Catering!):
Family Tossed Salad (Pre-dressed Italian)
Tenderloin Tips w. Crimini Mushrooms & Bourbon Demi Meditteranean Chicken, stuffed w/ spinach, feta, olives, & pine nuts
Loaded Mashed Potatoes Brocolli & Cauliflower Au Gratin Carrots with Honey & Ginger
Rolls Butter
Signature Croissant Bread Pudding w. Bourbon Pecan Glaze & Whipped Topping
Coffee Iced Tea Water Service
Tenderloin Tips w. Crimini Mushrooms & Bourbon Demi Meditteranean Chicken, stuffed w/ spinach, feta, olives, & pine nuts
Loaded Mashed Potatoes Brocolli & Cauliflower Au Gratin Carrots with Honey & Ginger
Rolls Butter
Signature Croissant Bread Pudding w. Bourbon Pecan Glaze & Whipped Topping
Coffee Iced Tea Water Service
Mon., Jan. 28, 2019 / 4:30 pm (Doors open 4 pm: sign-ups)
Palo Alto Monthly Meeting (Every 4th Monday) Signup Deadline: Fri. Jan. 25
Location: La Hacienda Recreation Center
Entertainment: PALO ALTO DERBY! MARK YOUR CALENDAR!!! The horses are coming out of the barn for the third running of the 'almost famous' Palo Alto Derby at the January 28th meeting of the Palo Alto Club. Join your neighbors in an evening of fun. You will have an opportunity to win prize money &/or be a 'jockey.' There will be several races & lots of laughs.
Food: Sloppy Joe's, coleslaw, chips and dessert. Meal and game prizes for just $7.00 per person *. BYOB. Contact Sharon Manz at 352 638-1794.
Palo Alto Monthly Meeting (Every 4th Monday) Signup Deadline: Fri. Jan. 25
Location: La Hacienda Recreation Center
Entertainment: PALO ALTO DERBY! MARK YOUR CALENDAR!!! The horses are coming out of the barn for the third running of the 'almost famous' Palo Alto Derby at the January 28th meeting of the Palo Alto Club. Join your neighbors in an evening of fun. You will have an opportunity to win prize money &/or be a 'jockey.' There will be several races & lots of laughs.
Food: Sloppy Joe's, coleslaw, chips and dessert. Meal and game prizes for just $7.00 per person *. BYOB. Contact Sharon Manz at 352 638-1794.
Tues., Jan. 4 / 12:00 pm
Ladies luncheon (1st Tuesday every month)
Ladies Luncheon restarts in October. It is held at Margarita Republic. Order from the menu. We’d like as many of our Palo Alto gals to attend that can do and join the fun. Contact Mary Lou Bruno, 259-1603 or Sylvia Gardner at 259-5941, for more information. (Margarita Republic Facebook page)
Ladies luncheon (1st Tuesday every month)
Ladies Luncheon restarts in October. It is held at Margarita Republic. Order from the menu. We’d like as many of our Palo Alto gals to attend that can do and join the fun. Contact Mary Lou Bruno, 259-1603 or Sylvia Gardner at 259-5941, for more information. (Margarita Republic Facebook page)
Carpool Road Trip
Feb. 15, 2018 / Meet: Tierra del Sol at 8:45 am (leave 9 am) (already in your carpools)
Marjorie Rawling Historic Home Tour followed by lunch together at The Yearling Restaurant.
- Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings Historic Home Tour
Location: 18700 South County Road 325, Cross Creek, Florida, between Ocala and Gainesville
- The Yearling Restaurant (following the home tour)
Location: 14531 East County Road 325, Hawthorne, FL 32640
See our Carpool Road Trip Web page for details at Feb. 15th.
Park admission fee: $3 per group in one vehicle. Use the honor box to pay this fee as you enter the State Park.
Guided tours of the Rawlings’s home: $3 per adult; $2 for children, ages 6 to12; children ages 5 and under are free. Pay to Kathy Ingraham or Susan Riding at the Tierra Rec Center parking lot. Please bring correct change.
$5 Fee to reserve your spot at the restaurant. Contact Kathy Ingraham at 352 653-0286 to sign up and pay the $5 per person *. You get this back when you get to the restaurant.
Contact Kathy Ingraham at 352 653-0286 to sign up. Signup deadline is Feb. 12 at noon for restaurant headcount. $5 pp * to reserve your spot.
Feb. 15, 2018 / Meet: Tierra del Sol at 8:45 am (leave 9 am) (already in your carpools)
Marjorie Rawling Historic Home Tour followed by lunch together at The Yearling Restaurant.
- Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings Historic Home Tour
Location: 18700 South County Road 325, Cross Creek, Florida, between Ocala and Gainesville
- The Yearling Restaurant (following the home tour)
Location: 14531 East County Road 325, Hawthorne, FL 32640
See our Carpool Road Trip Web page for details at Feb. 15th.
Park admission fee: $3 per group in one vehicle. Use the honor box to pay this fee as you enter the State Park.
Guided tours of the Rawlings’s home: $3 per adult; $2 for children, ages 6 to12; children ages 5 and under are free. Pay to Kathy Ingraham or Susan Riding at the Tierra Rec Center parking lot. Please bring correct change.
$5 Fee to reserve your spot at the restaurant. Contact Kathy Ingraham at 352 653-0286 to sign up and pay the $5 per person *. You get this back when you get to the restaurant.
Contact Kathy Ingraham at 352 653-0286 to sign up. Signup deadline is Feb. 12 at noon for restaurant headcount. $5 pp * to reserve your spot.
Thurs. Nov. 8 / 4:30-6 (1st, 2nd, 4th, & 5th when applicable, Thursdays when at least 8 participants sign up)
Tootie's Dancers
BEGINNER Line Dancing lessons by Jane Marie Dorsey at Tierra Rec Center. This is a basic beginner class to help you learn Line Dance basics and Terminology. If you missed previous lessons, join us anytime anyway - we'll learn new dances and will review ones you missed. See full details on Activity Descriptions page. Come and have fun. Line dancing class is fun, a learning thing and a nice social thing. If you want to attend, please follow-up on Mondays before the 1st, 2nd, 4th & 5th, when applicable, Thursdays to call Mike Durkin (750-6447) and sign up. We need 8 participants to have the class.
IMPORTANT: Notify Mike Durkin, 750-6447 or [email protected], that you're coming - we need EIGHT or more
signups to have the class. Questions call Janemarie at 259-1371.
Tootie's Dancers
BEGINNER Line Dancing lessons by Jane Marie Dorsey at Tierra Rec Center. This is a basic beginner class to help you learn Line Dance basics and Terminology. If you missed previous lessons, join us anytime anyway - we'll learn new dances and will review ones you missed. See full details on Activity Descriptions page. Come and have fun. Line dancing class is fun, a learning thing and a nice social thing. If you want to attend, please follow-up on Mondays before the 1st, 2nd, 4th & 5th, when applicable, Thursdays to call Mike Durkin (750-6447) and sign up. We need 8 participants to have the class.
IMPORTANT: Notify Mike Durkin, 750-6447 or [email protected], that you're coming - we need EIGHT or more
signups to have the class. Questions call Janemarie at 259-1371.
Thurs. Nov. 1 / 4:30-6 (1st, 2nd, 4th, & 5th when applicable, Thursdays when at least 8 participants sign up)
Tootie's Dancers
No class for travel and other reasons. Class will resume on Nov. 8. Line dancing class is fun, a learning thing and a nice social thing. If you want to attend, please follow-up on Mondays before the 1st, 2nd, 4th & 5th, when applicable, Thursdays to call Mike Durkin (750-6447) and sign up. We need 8 participants to have the class.
IMPORTANT: Notify Mike Durkin, 750-6447 or [email protected], that you're coming - we need EIGHT or more
signups to have the class. Questions call Janemarie at 259-1371.
Tootie's Dancers
No class for travel and other reasons. Class will resume on Nov. 8. Line dancing class is fun, a learning thing and a nice social thing. If you want to attend, please follow-up on Mondays before the 1st, 2nd, 4th & 5th, when applicable, Thursdays to call Mike Durkin (750-6447) and sign up. We need 8 participants to have the class.
IMPORTANT: Notify Mike Durkin, 750-6447 or [email protected], that you're coming - we need EIGHT or more
signups to have the class. Questions call Janemarie at 259-1371.
Wed., Nov. 21 / 1:15 pm
Palo Alto Book Club (3rd Wed. every month)
The Palo Alto Book Club meets the third Wednesday every month at 1:15 pm. At our meeting, we determine what group member will host the meeting the following month. You can become a regular member, and attend the meetings, OR now you can be a 'Phantom Member' described on the Palo Alto Book Club page. In either case, Contact Norma Hoehndorf at 753-6461 if you would like to take part. November Book – “Destiny of the Republic” by Candice Millary
See Palo Alto Book Club page for full details as well as future and past assigned books.
Palo Alto Book Club (3rd Wed. every month)
The Palo Alto Book Club meets the third Wednesday every month at 1:15 pm. At our meeting, we determine what group member will host the meeting the following month. You can become a regular member, and attend the meetings, OR now you can be a 'Phantom Member' described on the Palo Alto Book Club page. In either case, Contact Norma Hoehndorf at 753-6461 if you would like to take part. November Book – “Destiny of the Republic” by Candice Millary
See Palo Alto Book Club page for full details as well as future and past assigned books.
Mon., Nov. 5 / 5 pm
November Dining Out
Signup Deadline: Fri., Nov. 2 / Noon
Location: Cody's Original Roadhouse at Lake Sumter
Cody's is an old favorite - they know how to handle a crowd! As they say, 'Handcut steaks and... Just Plain Good Food.' Tubs of roasted peanuts are available throughout for snackin’, crackin’ and throwin’ on the floor. We'll order from the Menu
(http://codysamerican.com/menu/). $5 per person * reserves your spot. Contact Susan Riding at 973 723-2619 (best) or 352 750-3399.
November Dining Out
Signup Deadline: Fri., Nov. 2 / Noon
Location: Cody's Original Roadhouse at Lake Sumter
Cody's is an old favorite - they know how to handle a crowd! As they say, 'Handcut steaks and... Just Plain Good Food.' Tubs of roasted peanuts are available throughout for snackin’, crackin’ and throwin’ on the floor. We'll order from the Menu
(http://codysamerican.com/menu/). $5 per person * reserves your spot. Contact Susan Riding at 973 723-2619 (best) or 352 750-3399.
Thurs. Oct. 25 / 4:30-6 (1st, 2nd, 4th, & 5th when applicable, Thursdays when at least 8 participants)
Tootie's Dancers
No class Oct. 25 through Nov. 1 for travel and other reasons. Class will resume on Nov. 8. Line dancing class is fun, a learning thing and a nice social thing. If you want to attend, please follow-up on Mondays before the 1st, 2nd, 4th & 5th, when applicable, Thursdays to call Mike Durkin (750-6447) and sign up. We need 8 participants to have the class.
IMPORTANT: Notify Mike Durkin, 750-6447 or [email protected], that you're coming - we need EIGHT or more
signups to have the class. Questions call Janemarie at 259-1371.
Mon., Oct. 22, 2018 / 4:30 pm (Doors open 4 pm: sign-ups) Palo Alto Monthly Meeting (Every 4th Monday) Signup Deadline: Fri. Oct. 19 Location: La Hacienda Recreation Center Entertainment: Shaka Crew Thriller Chiller Zombies Halloween. This is a repeat performance for Palo Alto Club. Each show has guest vocalists along with the Shaka Crew dancers. It's so good to have them back! The dancing and costumes are first rate. Join us and bring a neighbor for a great evening out. You can wear a Halloween costume, if you'd like, or just a mask (probably can find them reasonably at the dollar store or Tues. Morning store). Costume is absolutely optional.' Violet Ray has directed and choreographed several successful performing dance groups throughout the years - Tropical Expressions in Hilo, Hawaii ** Silver Star Strutters in Las Vegas, Nevada ** Aloha 'O Ka Hula Dance Troupe, in The Villages, Florida. Food: German pork roast with sauerkraut and dessert. BYOB. Best deal in town - great entertainment and yummy meal for $7.00 per person *. Signup for a neighbor, too! This entertainment has been planned for almost a year! We hope you and they will love it! Web site: https://shakacrew.webs.com/apps/photos/album?albumid=14955427 Signup at the September Monthly Meeting or Contact Deb McCuiston at 352 750-5234. |
Thurs., Sept. 20 / Not a Shotgun Start - first tee time: 12:08 pm
Golf Scramble at El Diablo
Signup Deadline: Sept. 13 / noon There are still openings!!
This final Palo Alto Golf Scramble for 2018 is at El Diablo and the first t-time is 12:08 pm. We will be having food so the price will be $7 for both golf and dinner and $5 for those that are just having dinner. The dinner will be at Paulette Richard’s, 2002 San Leonardo at 5:00 p.m. Bring your own drinks. You also need to bring a chair and a card table type chair would be preferred as Paulette will have several tables set up. These chairs would give everyone a better chance of actually sitting at a table. If you are interested please call Gary or Nancy Garrett 430-2564. Due to the cancellation of the August meeting:
- We have several golfer’s who have signed up but have not yet paid. Please get your money to us by noon Sept. 13th!!
The Garretts will leave their outside front storm door unlocked and you can place your money between the doors or call us
and let us know you will be dropping off your check.
- If you are not sure if you signed up, please call Nancy or Gary Garrett at 430-2564 to check. No problem!
- New signups - Join us!
- Questions - Contact Nancy & Gary Garrett at 430-2564
Golf Scramble at El Diablo
Signup Deadline: Sept. 13 / noon There are still openings!!
This final Palo Alto Golf Scramble for 2018 is at El Diablo and the first t-time is 12:08 pm. We will be having food so the price will be $7 for both golf and dinner and $5 for those that are just having dinner. The dinner will be at Paulette Richard’s, 2002 San Leonardo at 5:00 p.m. Bring your own drinks. You also need to bring a chair and a card table type chair would be preferred as Paulette will have several tables set up. These chairs would give everyone a better chance of actually sitting at a table. If you are interested please call Gary or Nancy Garrett 430-2564. Due to the cancellation of the August meeting:
- We have several golfer’s who have signed up but have not yet paid. Please get your money to us by noon Sept. 13th!!
The Garretts will leave their outside front storm door unlocked and you can place your money between the doors or call us
and let us know you will be dropping off your check.
- If you are not sure if you signed up, please call Nancy or Gary Garrett at 430-2564 to check. No problem!
- New signups - Join us!
- Questions - Contact Nancy & Gary Garrett at 430-2564
Thurs. Nov. 1 / 4:30-6 (1st, 2nd, 4th, & 5th when applicable, Thursdays when at least 8 participants)
Tootie's Dancers
No class for travel and other reasons. Class will resume on Nov. 8. Line dancing class is fun, a learning thing and a nice social thing. If you want to attend, please follow-up on Mondays before the 1st, 2nd, 4th & 5th, when applicable, Thursdays to call Mike Durkin (750-6447) and sign up. We need 8 participants to have the class.
IMPORTANT: Notify Mike Durkin, 750-6447 or [email protected], that you're coming - we need EIGHT or more
signups to have the class. Questions call Janemarie at 259-1371.
Tootie's Dancers
No class for travel and other reasons. Class will resume on Nov. 8. Line dancing class is fun, a learning thing and a nice social thing. If you want to attend, please follow-up on Mondays before the 1st, 2nd, 4th & 5th, when applicable, Thursdays to call Mike Durkin (750-6447) and sign up. We need 8 participants to have the class.
IMPORTANT: Notify Mike Durkin, 750-6447 or [email protected], that you're coming - we need EIGHT or more
signups to have the class. Questions call Janemarie at 259-1371.
Thurs., Sept. xxxx / 4:30-6 (1st, 2nd & 4th Thursdays)
Tootie's Dancers
BEGINNER Line Dancing lessons by Janemarie Dorsey at Tierra Rec Center has been suspended through September. Janemarie will resume the lessons in October. We may or may not have our same classroom. We'll confirm closer to the time. Questions call Janemarie at 259-1371.
Tootie's Dancers
BEGINNER Line Dancing lessons by Janemarie Dorsey at Tierra Rec Center has been suspended through September. Janemarie will resume the lessons in October. We may or may not have our same classroom. We'll confirm closer to the time. Questions call Janemarie at 259-1371.
CANCEL for Voting:
Mon., xxxxx, 2018 / 4:30 pm (Doors open 4 pm: sign-ups)
Palo Alto Monthly Meeting (Every 4th Monday)
CANCELLATION - Because of early voting, our dinner meeting has been cancelled. See you next month!
Important! Because our August Dinner Meeting scheduled for Monday, the 27th, had to be cancelled, please go to the August Monthly Meeting - 2018 Web page for logisitcs for handling monies paid for this August meeting and for signups that would have happened at this meeting.
Mon., xxxxx / 4 pm to 6:20 pm (3rd Mon. each month)
Appetizer Party CANCELLATION - because of early voting
Join us for our Appetizer Party at Tierra Del Sol Rec Center in the Tootie Jackson Room (The Tootie!). Bring your own drinks and an appetizer to share. Homemade or store-bought appetizers are fine. No reservations needed – just show up! Contact: Bill Biebesheimer, 750-6199
Mon., xxxxx, 2018 / 4:30 pm (Doors open 4 pm: sign-ups)
Palo Alto Monthly Meeting (Every 4th Monday)
CANCELLATION - Because of early voting, our dinner meeting has been cancelled. See you next month!
Important! Because our August Dinner Meeting scheduled for Monday, the 27th, had to be cancelled, please go to the August Monthly Meeting - 2018 Web page for logisitcs for handling monies paid for this August meeting and for signups that would have happened at this meeting.
Mon., xxxxx, 2018 / 4:30 pm (Doors open 4 pm: sign-ups)
Palo Alto Monthly Meeting (Every 4th Monday)
CANCELLATION - Because of early voting, our dinner meeting has been cancelled. See you next month!
Important! Because our August Dinner Meeting scheduled for Monday, the 27th, had to be cancelled, please go to the August Monthly Meeting - 2018 Web page for logisitcs for handling monies paid for this August meeting and for signups that would have happened at this meeting.
Mon., xxxxx / 4 pm to 6:20 pm (3rd Mon. each month)
Appetizer Party CANCELLATION - because of early voting
Join us for our Appetizer Party at Tierra Del Sol Rec Center in the Tootie Jackson Room (The Tootie!). Bring your own drinks and an appetizer to share. Homemade or store-bought appetizers are fine. No reservations needed – just show up! Contact: Bill Biebesheimer, 750-6199
Mon., xxxxx, 2018 / 4:30 pm (Doors open 4 pm: sign-ups)
Palo Alto Monthly Meeting (Every 4th Monday)
CANCELLATION - Because of early voting, our dinner meeting has been cancelled. See you next month!
Important! Because our August Dinner Meeting scheduled for Monday, the 27th, had to be cancelled, please go to the August Monthly Meeting - 2018 Web page for logisitcs for handling monies paid for this August meeting and for signups that would have happened at this meeting.
Thurs., July __ / Tee times start at ___
Golf Scramble at De La Vista (#2 of 3 for 2018) Signup Deadline: July 12
Join us for evening golf in hot July! Pizza will be served afterwards at the Tierra del Sol picnic area where awards will be given. Participants should bring their own drinks. The cost is $7.00 for golfers & $5.00 for non-golfers. Signup at the May or June Monthly Meeting or Contact Alice or Steve Smith at 352 259-3015
See new Golf Scramble Web page for full details (rain or shine, disregard tee times because it is 5pm shotgun start, be there by 4:30 pm...)
Golf Scramble at De La Vista (#2 of 3 for 2018) Signup Deadline: July 12
Join us for evening golf in hot July! Pizza will be served afterwards at the Tierra del Sol picnic area where awards will be given. Participants should bring their own drinks. The cost is $7.00 for golfers & $5.00 for non-golfers. Signup at the May or June Monthly Meeting or Contact Alice or Steve Smith at 352 259-3015
See new Golf Scramble Web page for full details (rain or shine, disregard tee times because it is 5pm shotgun start, be there by 4:30 pm...)
Thurs., May 24
Golf Scramble - Mira Mesa
Tee times start at 12:08. The cost was $7.00 for golfers & $5.00 for non-golfers. The deadline for signing up for this event was May 16th. Questions: Bill & Margie Hunt (259-4803) .
UPDATE: For May 24 Scramble Participants (new signups closed)
Arrangements have been made with the Tierra Del Sol Recreation Center to hold our awards banquet Thursday, May 24 at the Rec Center in the Tootie Jackson room. (No longer at Paulette's house), This time slot is normally reserved for the Tootie Line Dance class which has been diverted to the Palo Alto Scramble since many of the dancers are participating in the golf scramble.
In case of Rain-out or Course Closes for flooding: We will still have the banquet at 5:00 PM in the Tootie Jackson Room.
Golf Scramble - Mira Mesa
Tee times start at 12:08. The cost was $7.00 for golfers & $5.00 for non-golfers. The deadline for signing up for this event was May 16th. Questions: Bill & Margie Hunt (259-4803) .
UPDATE: For May 24 Scramble Participants (new signups closed)
Arrangements have been made with the Tierra Del Sol Recreation Center to hold our awards banquet Thursday, May 24 at the Rec Center in the Tootie Jackson room. (No longer at Paulette's house), This time slot is normally reserved for the Tootie Line Dance class which has been diverted to the Palo Alto Scramble since many of the dancers are participating in the golf scramble.
In case of Rain-out or Course Closes for flooding: We will still have the banquet at 5:00 PM in the Tootie Jackson Room.
Nov Meeting and Print Activity Calendar should advise January signups since there's no Dec meeting:
Date/Details to be announced
Palo Alto Carpool Road Trip / Camping Club (CRT/C Club) Bill Thuemmel made the suggestion that we consider making CRTs overnight trips. We like the idea! We're looking at doing that. Stay tuned for more info as we have it. See our CRT page for more details. Your feedback is always welcome: CRT Committee: Susan Riding (Chair), Kathy Ingraham, Jayne Sligar, Deb McCuiston at [email protected] Tues., June 5 / 12:00 pm
Ladies Luncheon (1st Tuesday every month) Location: Margarita Republic We will order from the menu. We’d like as many of our Palo Alto gals to attend that can do and join the fun. We need a headcount for the restaurant reservation so please Contact Mary Lou Bruno, 259-1603 or Sylvia Gardner at 259-5941 If you plan to come to the lunch. (Margarita Republic Facebook page) July / Aug
Ladies Luncheon (1st Tuesday every month) Location: Margarita Republic The Ladies Luncheon has been temporarily stopped for the summer. We will resume it in September. Questions: Mary Lou Bruno, 259-1603 or Sylvia Gardner at 259-5941. Thurs., Nov. 16 (Bocce: 3:15 - 4:30 pm; Awards: Immediately following)
Fall Bocce League - Final Day Our Pizza Party and Prizes follows league play at the picnic area of Tierra Del Sol. Contact: Mary Ann & Gene D’Amico at (352) 391-3622. Thurs. Jan. 4 / 4:30-6 (1st, 2nd & 4th Thursdays)
Tootie's Dancers BEGINNER Line Dancing lessons by Jane Marie Dorsey at Tierra Rec Center. This is a basic beginner class to help you learn Line Dance basics and Terminology. If you missed previous lessons, join us anytime anyway - we'll learn new dances and will review ones you missed. See full details on Activity Descriptions page. Come and have fun. IMPORTANT: Notify Mike Durkin, 750-6447 or [email protected], that you're coming - we need EIGHT or more signups to have the class. Questions call Janemarie at 259-1371. |
Thurs. May 24 / 4:30-6 (1st, 2nd & 4th Thurs., when at least 8 have signed up)
Tootie's Dancers
BEGINNER Line Dancing lessons by Jane Marie Dorsey - Due to conflicting schedule (Palo Alto Golf Scramble) Tootie's Dancers has been cancelled for Thurs., May 24.
Tootie's Dancers
BEGINNER Line Dancing lessons by Jane Marie Dorsey - Due to conflicting schedule (Palo Alto Golf Scramble) Tootie's Dancers has been cancelled for Thurs., May 24.
Wed., Jan. 17 / 1:15 pm
Palo Alto Book Club (3rd Wed. every month) The Palo Alto Book Club meets the third Wednesday every month at 1:15 pm. At our meeting, we determine what group member will host the meeting the following month. You can become a regular member, and attend the meetings, OR now you can be a 'Phantom Member' described on the Palo Alto Book Club page. In either case, Contact Norma Hoehndorf at 753-6461 if you would like to take part. November Book – Setting Free the Kites by Alex George See Palo Alto Book Club page for full details as well as future and past assigned books. |
Mon., Nov. 27 / 4:30 pm (Doors open at 4 pm for sign-ups) (Every 4th Monday)
Palo Alto Monthly Meeting Signup Deadline: Noon, Fri. Nov. 24
Location: La Hacienda Recreation Center
Entertainment: ‘Palo Alto Bridge’ run by Tootie Jackson! All join the fun. For food, we will enjoy Ham, Green Bean Casserole, New Potatoes, & Dessert. $7.00 per person * and BYOB. Signup at the Oct. Monthly Meeting or Contact Mary Ann D’Amico at 352 391-3622.
Signups at the November Monthly Meeting (no Dec. Meeting):
(See details below at 'Mark Your Calendar!')
Palo Alto Monthly Meeting Signup Deadline: Noon, Fri. Nov. 24
Location: La Hacienda Recreation Center
Entertainment: ‘Palo Alto Bridge’ run by Tootie Jackson! All join the fun. For food, we will enjoy Ham, Green Bean Casserole, New Potatoes, & Dessert. $7.00 per person * and BYOB. Signup at the Oct. Monthly Meeting or Contact Mary Ann D’Amico at 352 391-3622.
Signups at the November Monthly Meeting (no Dec. Meeting):
(See details below at 'Mark Your Calendar!')
- Sun., Dec. 17 / 5:30 pm
Palo Alto Holiday Dinner Party - Mon., Jan. 8 / 5 pm January Dining Out
- Sat., Jan. 20 / 12:30 pm Caravan Road Trip (CRT)
- Mon., Jan. 22, 2018 / 4:30 pm
Palo Alto Monthly Meeting
Tues., Nov. 6 / 12:00 pm
Ladies luncheon (1st Tuesday every month)
Ladies Luncheon restarts in October. It is held at Margarita Republic. Order from the menu. We’d like as many of our Palo Alto gals to attend that can do and join the fun. Contact Mary Lou Bruno, 259-1603 or Sylvia Gardner at 259-5941, for more information. (Margarita Republic Facebook page)
Ladies luncheon (1st Tuesday every month)
Ladies Luncheon restarts in October. It is held at Margarita Republic. Order from the menu. We’d like as many of our Palo Alto gals to attend that can do and join the fun. Contact Mary Lou Bruno, 259-1603 or Sylvia Gardner at 259-5941, for more information. (Margarita Republic Facebook page)
Mon., Sept. 11 / 4:30 pm (happy hour ending at 5 pm)
Dining Out Tierra Del Sol Restaurant
Signup Deadline: 3 days before the dinner date (for reservation headcount)
Our September Dining Out will be at Tierra Del Sol Restaurant. We will order from their menu. If we have more than 15 signed up then we go to the party menu.... if not, we stay with the regular menu. Review the regular menu on the Tierra Del Sol site. Reserve at the August Monthly Meeting or Contact Sandy Taylor at 352 751-1225. $5.00 per person * to reserve.
Dining Out Tierra Del Sol Restaurant
Signup Deadline: 3 days before the dinner date (for reservation headcount)
Our September Dining Out will be at Tierra Del Sol Restaurant. We will order from their menu. If we have more than 15 signed up then we go to the party menu.... if not, we stay with the regular menu. Review the regular menu on the Tierra Del Sol site. Reserve at the August Monthly Meeting or Contact Sandy Taylor at 352 751-1225. $5.00 per person * to reserve.
Thurs. Jan. 4 / 4:30-6 (1st, 2nd & 4th Thursdays)
Tootie's Dancers
BEGINNER Line Dancing lessons by Jane Marie Dorsey at Tierra Rec Center. This is a basic beginner class to help you learn Line Dance basics and Terminology. If you missed previous lessons, join us anytime anyway - we'll learn new dances and will review ones you missed. See full details on Activity Descriptions page. Come and have fun.
IMPORTANT: Notify Mike Durkin, 750-6447 or [email protected], that you're coming - we need EIGHT or more
signups to have the class.
Questions call Janemarie at 259-1371.
Tootie's Dancers
BEGINNER Line Dancing lessons by Jane Marie Dorsey at Tierra Rec Center. This is a basic beginner class to help you learn Line Dance basics and Terminology. If you missed previous lessons, join us anytime anyway - we'll learn new dances and will review ones you missed. See full details on Activity Descriptions page. Come and have fun.
IMPORTANT: Notify Mike Durkin, 750-6447 or [email protected], that you're coming - we need EIGHT or more
signups to have the class.
Questions call Janemarie at 259-1371.
Thurs., July 20 / Arrive; 4:30 to 4:45 pm (Shotgun Start)
Golf Scramble AND Gathering at Tierra Del Sol Picnic area for Pizza Golf at: De la Vista Exec Golf Course UPDATE ao July 19, 2017: The July 20th Palo Alto Golf Scramble is at De la Vista executive golf course. Concerning our golf scramble, since we must wait until De la Vista golf course is completely cleared, we plan to eat pizza first & then play golf.
Thurs. Nov. 23 / 4:30-6 (1st, 2nd & 4th Thursdays)
Tootie's Dancers
IMPORTANT: Contact Mike Durkin, 750-6447, that you're coming - we need EIGHT or more signups to have the class.
BEGINNER Line Dancing lessons by Jane Marie Dorsey at Tierra Rec Center. This is a basic beginner class to help you learn Line Dance basics and Terminology. If you missed previous lessons, join us anytime anyway - we'll learn new dances and will review ones you missed. See full details on Activity Descriptions page. Come and have fun. Questions call Janemarie at 259-1371.
Nov. 23 (normally 1st, 2nd & 4th Thursdays)
Tootie's Dancers
Line Dancing has been cancelled for the November 23 for the Thanksgiving holiday. It will resume in December.
Tootie's Dancers
IMPORTANT: Contact Mike Durkin, 750-6447, that you're coming - we need EIGHT or more signups to have the class.
BEGINNER Line Dancing lessons by Jane Marie Dorsey at Tierra Rec Center. This is a basic beginner class to help you learn Line Dance basics and Terminology. If you missed previous lessons, join us anytime anyway - we'll learn new dances and will review ones you missed. See full details on Activity Descriptions page. Come and have fun. Questions call Janemarie at 259-1371.
Nov. 23 (normally 1st, 2nd & 4th Thursdays)
Tootie's Dancers
Line Dancing has been cancelled for the November 23 for the Thanksgiving holiday. It will resume in December.
Mon., June 5 / 5:00 pm
Dining Out Cody's Restaurant / Lake Sumter
Signup Deadline: 3 days before the dinner date (for reservation headcount)
Our June Group Dinner will be at Cody's Restaurant / Lake Sumter. We will order from the menu. Check the Cody's Restaurant in Lake Sumter Web site. Reserve at the May Monthly Meeting or Contact Susan Riding at 352 750-3399. $5.00 per person * to reserve.
Dining Out Cody's Restaurant / Lake Sumter
Signup Deadline: 3 days before the dinner date (for reservation headcount)
Our June Group Dinner will be at Cody's Restaurant / Lake Sumter. We will order from the menu. Check the Cody's Restaurant in Lake Sumter Web site. Reserve at the May Monthly Meeting or Contact Susan Riding at 352 750-3399. $5.00 per person * to reserve.
Wed., July 19 / 1:15 pm
Palo Alto Book Club (3rd Wed. every month)
The Palo Alto Book Club meets the third Wednesday every month at 1:15 pm. At our meeting, we determine what group member will host the meeting the following month. You can become a regular member, and attend the meetings, OR now you can be a 'Phantom Member' described on the Palo Alto Book Club page. In either case, Contact Norma Hoehndorf at 753-6461 if you would like to take part. July Book – The Husband’s Secret by Liane Moriarty
See Palo Alto Book Club page for full details as well as future and past assigned books.
Palo Alto Book Club (3rd Wed. every month)
The Palo Alto Book Club meets the third Wednesday every month at 1:15 pm. At our meeting, we determine what group member will host the meeting the following month. You can become a regular member, and attend the meetings, OR now you can be a 'Phantom Member' described on the Palo Alto Book Club page. In either case, Contact Norma Hoehndorf at 753-6461 if you would like to take part. July Book – The Husband’s Secret by Liane Moriarty
See Palo Alto Book Club page for full details as well as future and past assigned books.
Wed., August: No Meeting this Month
Palo Alto Book Club (3rd Wed. every month)
There will be no Palo Alto Book Club meeting in August 2017. We will resume 3rd Wednesday in September.
Sept. Book: 'Boys in the Boat' by Daniel James Brown
See Palo Alto Book Club page for full details as well as future and past assigned books.
Palo Alto Book Club (3rd Wed. every month)
There will be no Palo Alto Book Club meeting in August 2017. We will resume 3rd Wednesday in September.
Sept. Book: 'Boys in the Boat' by Daniel James Brown
See Palo Alto Book Club page for full details as well as future and past assigned books.
Thurs., May 18 / varying tee times
Golf Scramble AND Gathering at Paulette Richard's home at 5:00 pm
Golf at: Hawkes Bay Exec Golf Course
Tee Times listed on Bill Biebesheimer's latest email newsletter and as a reservation in the online tee time system. Paulette Richard's "Palo Alto famous" Sloppy Joe meal at 2002 San Leonardo Way, side-yard Oasis at 5:00 p.m. BYOB. If the golf portion is rained out, the group will still meet for the food inside at Tierra del Sol Rec Center. Scramble Prizes awarded at Paulette's gathering. New sign-ups closed.
Questions: Bill & Margie Hunt, 259-4803
Golf Scramble AND Gathering at Paulette Richard's home at 5:00 pm
Golf at: Hawkes Bay Exec Golf Course
Tee Times listed on Bill Biebesheimer's latest email newsletter and as a reservation in the online tee time system. Paulette Richard's "Palo Alto famous" Sloppy Joe meal at 2002 San Leonardo Way, side-yard Oasis at 5:00 p.m. BYOB. If the golf portion is rained out, the group will still meet for the food inside at Tierra del Sol Rec Center. Scramble Prizes awarded at Paulette's gathering. New sign-ups closed.
Questions: Bill & Margie Hunt, 259-4803
Tues., June 6 / 12:00 pm
Ladies Luncheon (1st Tuesday every month)
Location: Margarita Republic
We will order from the menu. We’d like as many of our Palo Alto gals to attend that can do and join the fun. Contact Mary Lou Bruno, 259-1603 or Sylvia Gardner at 259-5941 with questions.
Ladies Luncheon (1st Tuesday every month)
Location: Margarita Republic
We will order from the menu. We’d like as many of our Palo Alto gals to attend that can do and join the fun. Contact Mary Lou Bruno, 259-1603 or Sylvia Gardner at 259-5941 with questions.
Thurs. Apr. 27 / 4:30-6 (1st, 2nd & 4th Thursdays)
Tootie's Dancers
BEGINNER Line Dancing lessons by Jane Marie Dorsey at Tierra Rec Center. This is a basic beginner class to help you learn Line Dance basics and Terminology. If you missed previous lessons, join us anytime anyway - we'll learn new dances and will review ones you missed. See full details on Activity Descriptions page. Come and have fun. Questions call Janemarie at 259-1371. First timers, please contact Mike Durkin, 750-6447, and provide your name & email address so we can keep in touch via email about upcoming classes.
Tootie's Dancers
BEGINNER Line Dancing lessons by Jane Marie Dorsey at Tierra Rec Center. This is a basic beginner class to help you learn Line Dance basics and Terminology. If you missed previous lessons, join us anytime anyway - we'll learn new dances and will review ones you missed. See full details on Activity Descriptions page. Come and have fun. Questions call Janemarie at 259-1371. First timers, please contact Mike Durkin, 750-6447, and provide your name & email address so we can keep in touch via email about upcoming classes.
Mon., Feb. 6 / 5:00 pm
Group Dinner Signups at the Nov. Monthly Meeting
Restaurant: The Chefs of Napoli Restaurant Wildwood, FL Web site
On Monday, Feb. 6 at 5:00, we have planned a dinner at The Chefs of Napoli Restaurant in Wildwood, FL.
LOCATION: Wildwood Oaks Business Center, 9811 North US Hwy 301, Wildwood, FL 34785
Signups at the January Monthly Meeting or Contact Sandy Taylor at 751-1225 to pay a $5.00 per person * deposit.
Group Dinner Signups at the Nov. Monthly Meeting
Restaurant: The Chefs of Napoli Restaurant Wildwood, FL Web site
On Monday, Feb. 6 at 5:00, we have planned a dinner at The Chefs of Napoli Restaurant in Wildwood, FL.
LOCATION: Wildwood Oaks Business Center, 9811 North US Hwy 301, Wildwood, FL 34785
Signups at the January Monthly Meeting or Contact Sandy Taylor at 751-1225 to pay a $5.00 per person * deposit.
Tues., Feb. 7 / 12:00 pm
Ladies Luncheon (1st Tuesday every month)
Location: Tierra Del Sol (Call and signup to attend)
The new location for our luncheon going forward is the restaurant at Tierra Del Sol. We will order from the menu. We’d like as many of our Palo Alto gals to attend that can do and join the fun. Please Contact Mary Lou Bruno, 259-1603 or Sylvia Gardner at 259-5941 if you're plan on going to lunch (we need a definite number for the Ladies Luncheon at Tierra).
Ladies Luncheon (1st Tuesday every month)
Location: Tierra Del Sol (Call and signup to attend)
The new location for our luncheon going forward is the restaurant at Tierra Del Sol. We will order from the menu. We’d like as many of our Palo Alto gals to attend that can do and join the fun. Please Contact Mary Lou Bruno, 259-1603 or Sylvia Gardner at 259-5941 if you're plan on going to lunch (we need a definite number for the Ladies Luncheon at Tierra).
Thurs. Feb. 9 / 4:30-6 (1st, 2nd & 4th Thursdays)
Tootie's Dancers
BEGINNER Line Dancing lessons by Jane Marie Dorsey at Tierra Rec Center. This is a basic beginner class to help you learn Line Dance basics and Terminology. If you missed previous lessons, join us anytime anyway - we'll learn new dances and will review ones you missed. See full details on Activity Descriptions page. Come and have fun. Questions call Janemarie at 259-1371.
Tootie's Dancers
BEGINNER Line Dancing lessons by Jane Marie Dorsey at Tierra Rec Center. This is a basic beginner class to help you learn Line Dance basics and Terminology. If you missed previous lessons, join us anytime anyway - we'll learn new dances and will review ones you missed. See full details on Activity Descriptions page. Come and have fun. Questions call Janemarie at 259-1371.
Thurs., Feb. 9 / 6:30 pm
Palo Alto Ladies GAME NITE (2nd Thursday ev month)
The Palo Alto Ladies now meet for Palo Alto Ladies Game Nite at TIerra del Sol Rec Center on the 2nd Thursday each month. We are now officially assigned our own space for GAMES, etc. at TIerra Del Sol Rec Center for the 2nd Thursday at 6:30. It is time reserved for PALO ALTO LADIES and their Guests with proper I.D. You may even bring your Grandkids if they are 8 and older and like to play games. Bring any game you would like to teach/play or we will use the games available in the center. Just show up and we will work out what & how to play. It is a very relaxed set-up. Coordinator- Lee Asta
Palo Alto Ladies GAME NITE (2nd Thursday ev month)
The Palo Alto Ladies now meet for Palo Alto Ladies Game Nite at TIerra del Sol Rec Center on the 2nd Thursday each month. We are now officially assigned our own space for GAMES, etc. at TIerra Del Sol Rec Center for the 2nd Thursday at 6:30. It is time reserved for PALO ALTO LADIES and their Guests with proper I.D. You may even bring your Grandkids if they are 8 and older and like to play games. Bring any game you would like to teach/play or we will use the games available in the center. Just show up and we will work out what & how to play. It is a very relaxed set-up. Coordinator- Lee Asta
Thursdays, Oct. 12 – Nov. 16 / 3:30-4:30 pm (arrive at 3 pm the first day, please)
Fall Bocce League
6 week league starting Oct. 12.
Some good games of Bocce every Thursday from Oct. 12 through Nov. 16 at Tierra Del Sol. Time: 3:30 – 4:30 pm but please arrive at 3pm the first day! $5.00 per person *. Signup at the September monthly meeting or Contact: Mary Ann & Gene D’Amico at (352) 391-3622.
Nov. 16: Fall Bocce League Pizza Party and Prizes
Fall Bocce League
6 week league starting Oct. 12.
Some good games of Bocce every Thursday from Oct. 12 through Nov. 16 at Tierra Del Sol. Time: 3:30 – 4:30 pm but please arrive at 3pm the first day! $5.00 per person *. Signup at the September monthly meeting or Contact: Mary Ann & Gene D’Amico at (352) 391-3622.
Nov. 16: Fall Bocce League Pizza Party and Prizes
Thursdays, Feb. 16 – Mar. 23, 2017 / 3:30-4:30 pm (6 week league; please arrive about 3 pm for Week 1)
Spring Bocce League Join Palo Alto friends for some good games of Bocce every Thursday from Feb. 16 through March 23 at Tierra Del Sol from 3:30 – 4:30 pm (please arrive about 3 pm for Week 1)! $5.00 pp signup includes pizza party and prizes the last week of play (March 23). Signup at the January Monthly Meeting or Contact: Mary Ann & Gene D’Amico at (352) 391-3622. |
Mon., Feb. 20 / 4 pm to 6:20 pm (3rd Mon. each month)
Appetizer Party
Join us for our Appetizer Party at Tierra Del Sol Rec Center in the Tootie Jackson Room (The Tootie!). Bring your own drinks and an appetizer to share. Home made or store bought appetizers are fine. No reservations needed – just show up! Contact: Bill Biebesheimer, 750-6199
Appetizer Party
Join us for our Appetizer Party at Tierra Del Sol Rec Center in the Tootie Jackson Room (The Tootie!). Bring your own drinks and an appetizer to share. Home made or store bought appetizers are fine. No reservations needed – just show up! Contact: Bill Biebesheimer, 750-6199
Thurs. Oct. 26 / 4:30-6 (1st, 2nd & 4th Thursdays)
Tootie's Dancers BEGINNER Line Dancing lessons by Jane Marie Dorsey at Tierra Rec Center. This is a basic beginner class to help you learn Line Dance basics and Terminology. If you missed previous lessons, join us anytime anyway - we'll learn new dances and will review ones you missed. See full details on Activity Descriptions page. As always, class is dependent on our having minimum signups met (at least eight advise Mike - best by day before class). Come and have fun. Questions call Janemarie at 259-1371. Contact Mike Durkin, 750-6447, that you're coming - we need six or more signups to have the class. Mon., Feb. 27 (4:30 pm - Meeting;
Doors open at 4 pm for sign-ups) Palo Alto Monthly Meeting (Every 4th Monday) Sweetheart Party Our annual Sweetheart Party happens at 4:30 on Monday the 27th at La Hacienda Rec Center. Cost is only $10 per person for a vast array of hearty appetizers including shrimp, ham, meatballs, wings, pulled pork and much more. Entertainment: We’re pleased to have Joe Carter return for music & dance. $10.00 per person * and BYOB. Contact Laurie Topolski at 674-0167. Mon., Nov. 27 / 4:30 pm (Doors open at 4 pm for sign-ups) (Every 4th Monday)
Palo Alto Monthly Meeting Signup Deadline: Noon, Fri. Nov. 24 Location: La Hacienda Recreation Center Entertainment: ‘Palo Alto Bridge’ run by Tootie Jackson! All join the fun. For food, we will enjoy Ham, Green Bean Casserole, New Potatoes, & Dessert. $7.00 per person * and BYOB. Signup at the Oct. Monthly Meeting or Contact Mary Ann D’Amico at 352 391-3622. |
Also see 'Calendar - Non Palo Alto Events' and Activity Descriptions
Future Planning
Mon., Mar. 6 / 5:00 pm
Group Dinner Signups at the Feb. Monthly Meeting Restaurant: Sakura (at Colony Cottage) We will repeat the great meal Bill Biebesheimer designed with Sakura (Bill's Special). Contact Mary Ellen Bowgren, 630-750-2210. The full amount, $16.00 per person *, is due rather than the normal deposit as special food is ordered for our group. Tues., Mar. 7 / 12:00 pm
Ladies Luncheon (1st Tuesday every month) Location: Margarita Republic Speakers for that day: Rachell and Becky from Edible Arrangements in the Villages. They will bring their new product which is Smoothies and give the gals a demonstration. They will arrive at 1pm to do their speaking. We will order from the menu. We’d like as many of our Palo Alto gals to attend that can do and join the fun. Contact Mary Lou Bruno, 259-1603 or Sylvia Gardner at 259-5941 with questions. |
Thursdays, Feb. 16 – Mar. 23, 2017 / 3:30-4:30 pm
Spring Bocce League 6 week league continues through Mar. 23 Some good games of Bocce every Thursday from Feb. 16 through March 23 at Tierra Del Sol. Time: 3:30 – 4:30 pm! $5.00 pp. Contact: Mary Ann & Gene D’Amico at (352) 391-3622. Mar. 23: Spring Bocce League Pizza Party and Prizes |
Thurs., Mar. 9 / 6:30 pm
Palo Alto Ladies GAME NITE (2nd Thursday ev month)
The Palo Alto Ladies now meet for Palo Alto Ladies Game Nite at TIerra del Sol Rec Center on the 2nd Thursday each month. We are now officially assigned our own space for GAMES, etc. at TIerra Del Sol Rec Center for the 2nd Thursday at 6:30. It is time reserved for PALO ALTO LADIES and their Guests with proper I.D. You may even bring your Grandkids if they are 8 and older and like to play games. Bring any game you would like to teach/play or we will use the games available in the center. Just show up and we will work out what & how to play. It is a very relaxed set-up. Coordinator- Lee Asta
Palo Alto Ladies GAME NITE (2nd Thursday ev month)
The Palo Alto Ladies now meet for Palo Alto Ladies Game Nite at TIerra del Sol Rec Center on the 2nd Thursday each month. We are now officially assigned our own space for GAMES, etc. at TIerra Del Sol Rec Center for the 2nd Thursday at 6:30. It is time reserved for PALO ALTO LADIES and their Guests with proper I.D. You may even bring your Grandkids if they are 8 and older and like to play games. Bring any game you would like to teach/play or we will use the games available in the center. Just show up and we will work out what & how to play. It is a very relaxed set-up. Coordinator- Lee Asta
Wed., Mar. 15 / 1:15 pm
Palo Alto Book Club (3rd Wed. every month)
To participate, for directions or if you have other inquiries, contact Norma Hoehndorf at 753-6461. See our Web site's Activity Description page for more info about being a ‘Phantom’ member or regular member.
March Book: “Woman of God,” by James Patterson (See our Web site's Activity Description page for future (and past) month's books)
Palo Alto Book Club (3rd Wed. every month)
To participate, for directions or if you have other inquiries, contact Norma Hoehndorf at 753-6461. See our Web site's Activity Description page for more info about being a ‘Phantom’ member or regular member.
March Book: “Woman of God,” by James Patterson (See our Web site's Activity Description page for future (and past) month's books)
Mon., Mar. 20 / 4 pm to 6:20 pm (3rd Mon. each month)
Appetizer Party
Join us for our Appetizer Party at Tierra Del Sol Rec Center in the Tootie Jackson Room (The Tootie!). Bring your own drinks and an appetizer to share. Home made or store bought appetizers are fine. No reservations needed – just show up! Contact: Bill Biebesheimer, 750-6199
Appetizer Party
Join us for our Appetizer Party at Tierra Del Sol Rec Center in the Tootie Jackson Room (The Tootie!). Bring your own drinks and an appetizer to share. Home made or store bought appetizers are fine. No reservations needed – just show up! Contact: Bill Biebesheimer, 750-6199
Mon., Mar. 27 / 4:30 pm (Doors open at 4 pm for sign-ups) (Every 4th Monday)
Palo Alto Monthly Meeting
Our entertainment takes us back in time. They are the Old Time Radio Club on Monday the 27th at La Hacienda Rec Center. Food: Oakwoods Catering – pulled pork, new potatoes, baked beans, a roll and dessert. $10 per person * and BYOB. Contact Laurie Topolski 674-0167
Palo Alto Monthly Meeting
Our entertainment takes us back in time. They are the Old Time Radio Club on Monday the 27th at La Hacienda Rec Center. Food: Oakwoods Catering – pulled pork, new potatoes, baked beans, a roll and dessert. $10 per person * and BYOB. Contact Laurie Topolski 674-0167
Mark Your Calendar!
Sun., Dec. 17, 2017 / 5:30 pm (dinner approximately 6 pm)
Palo Alto Holiday Dinner Party
Back to Hacienda Regional Rec Center (and round tables!!)
More information as we have it
Palo Alto Holiday Dinner Party
Back to Hacienda Regional Rec Center (and round tables!!)
More information as we have it
* Please pay in cash or by check payable to: Palo Alto Club